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Printer Info

One of the most asked questions regarding printing your own hydrographic films is, "What printers and inks will work for this process?" Of course, people want to know if the printer they already have will be adequate, or if they are considering purchasing a new printer, they want to be sure it will provide the desired results. 


In general, there are 2 types of inkjet inks that will work well for printing your own hydrographics on Hydrokon Film: latex and pigment-based. Some to AVOID are dye-based, sublimation, and laser printers inks as well as solvent inks. These all can create many challenges for the user. Solvent inks have not been tested for use with Hydrokon Water Transfer Film.



Advantages – Films ready for dipping immediately after printing, no need for topcoat prior to dipping.
Disadvantages – Initial printer cost >$8,000


Advantages – Initial printers cost between $300-$5,000, but there are many printer options.
Disadvantages – Must use a topcoat (aka Activator A) after printing

As you can see from the comparison above, the biggest differences among the suggested inks are price and the need to apply an additional topcoat after printing when using pigment-based inks.


For established hydrographic businesses looking to invest, the latex printer option may be best. You can find 54” wide HP Latex printers for under $10,000 that will allow for high-end graphics while avoiding the need for any post-processing of the prints prior to dipping. You can also use a variety of medias to create professional indoor and outdoor signage.


For those looking to spend a little less, or curious if their current printer will work for hydrographics, there are plenty of pigment-based printers available in a wide-range of prices from companies like Epson, Canon, and HP.


NOTE: Each printer's optimal settings for use with Hydrokon Water Transfer Film may vary. Hydrokon film has been tested for compatibility with general ink types only (pigment based or latex based) and not specific printer brands or available settings.



The HP OfficeJet Pro printer series also uses pigment-based inks, along with the DesignJet Z6 and Z9+ printers. In addition, any of the latex printers from HP will work very well for hydrographics. The Deskjet, Envy, and most DesignJet printers from HP all use dye-based inks and should not be used for printing hydrographics with the exception to DesignJet Z6 and Z9+ .


With Epson, you want to find printers using either the UltraChrome or DURABrite Ultra line of inks. These range from the Workforce WF-3820 that can be purchased for around $150, all the way up to the wide-format P9000 printer at $5,000. You will want to AVOID the Expression line of printers and any other printers using the dye-based Claria inks.


Canon has a bit more limited range of pigment-based ink printers, but you can use either their imagePROGRAF or MAXIFY lines of printers for hydrographics. You will want to AVOID their PIXMA line of printers, as the colors other than black are dye-based inks.


Any of the latex printers from HP are preferable for hydropgrafics. The Deskjet, Envy, and most DesignJet printers from HP all use dye-based inks and should not be used for printing hydrographics with the exception to DesignJet Z6 and Z9+ .The HP OfficeJet Pro printer series also uses pigment-based inks, along with the DesignJet Z6 and Z9+ printers. NOTE: Head to our Printer Settings page to download the exact print settings we use for our HP latex printer.


HP Latex Series - approx. $10K - $24K


  • Latex L315 - 54" - latex ink - (517 square feet / hr)
  • Latex L335 - 64" - latex ink - (129 square feet / hr)
  • Latex L365 - 64" - latex ink - (140 square feet / hr)
  • Latex L630 - 64" - latex ink - (183 square feet / hr)
  • Latex L630W - 64" - latex ink - (150 square feet / hr)
  • Latex L700 - 64" - latex ink - (334 square feet / hr)
  • Latex L700W - 64" - latex ink - (334 square feet / hr)
  • Latex L800 - 64" - latex ink - (388 square feet / hr)
  • Latex L800W - 64" - latex ink - (388 square feet / hr)


HP DesignJet Z Series - approx. $3K - $16K
  • DesignJet Z6 - 24" - pigment based ink - (square feet / hr)
  • DesignJet Z6 - 44" - pigment based ink - (square feet / hr)
  • DesignJet Z6 Pro - 64" - pigment based ink - (square feet / hr)
  • DesignJet Z9+ - 24" - pigment based ink - (square feet / hr)
  • DesignJet Z9+ - 44" - pigment based ink - (square feet / hr)
  • DesignJet Z9+ Pro - 64" - pigment based ink - (square feet / hr)

HP DesignJet T Series - approx. $3K - $4K
  • DesignJet T850 - 36" - pigment based ink - (square feet / hr)
  • DesignJet XT950 - 36" - pigment based ink (square feet / hr)


With Epson, you want to find printers using either the UltraChrome or DURABrite Ultra line of inks. "Ultrachrome" ink, manufactured by Epson, is a type of pigment ink, meaning it uses pigment particles to create color, known for its high quality, lightfastness, and durability in prints. These range from the Workforce WF-3820 that can be purchased for around $150, all the way up to the wideformat P9000 printer at $5,000. You will want to AVOID the Expression line of printers and any other printers using the dye-based Claria inks

Espon SureColor P Series - approx. $2K -$11K 

  • SureColor P5370 - 17" - pigment based ink - (square feet / hr)
  • SureColor P6570 - 24" - pigment based ink - (square feet / hr)
  • SureColor P7570 - 24" - pigment based ink - (square feet / hr)
  • SureColor P8570D - 44" - pigment based ink - (square feet / hr)
  • SureColor P9570 - 44" - pigment based ink - (square feet / hr)
  • SureColor P20570 - 64" - pigment based ink - (square feet / hr)


Epson SureColor T Series - approx. $1K - $7K
  • SureColor T3170 - 24" - pigment based ink - (square feet / hr)
  • SureColor T3475 - 24" - pigment based ink - (square feet / hr)
  • SureColor T3770E - 24" - pigment based ink - (square feet / hr)
  • SureColor T5475 - 36" - pigment based ink - (square feet / hr)
  • SureColor T5770D - 36" - pigment based ink - (square feet / hr)
  • SureColor T7770D - 44" - pigment based ink - (square feet / hr)


Canon has a bit more limited range of pigment-based ink printers, but you can use either their imagePROGRAF or MAXIFY lines of printers for hydrographics. You will want to AVOID their PIXMA line of printers, as the colors other than black are dye-based inks.

Hopefully, this information helps clarify what printers and inks can be used for printing your own hydrographic images on blank PVA. If you have any further questions about what printers and inks can be used with this process, please feel free to contact Hydrokon and we will be happy to help. We also have a Facebook support group, Hydrographic Heroes by Hydrokon, where users of blank water transfer film can share tips, tricks, and more with each other.