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What printers/inks will work with Hydrokon film?

Both printers with pigment and latex-based inks will work for hydrographic applications. A list of common printer brands and the ink types that they use can be found in this informative article, which also explains the various ink types.

What printer settings do you recommend?

There are many printers available that are compatible with Hydrokon film. We use an HP latex series printer when pattern testing. If you have an HP latex printer, you can download the exact print settings we use on the bottom of our Printer Info page

How long should film dwell in water in coordination with water temperature for hydrodipping?

It is recommended that film soak for 60 seconds at 90° F to achieve optimal results. Lower water temperatures can be used, but soak times should be increased.

What activators should be used with Hydrokon film?

A ‘cool’ activator is recommended, such as:
Superbrew from K2
Ink Drink from OHW
Hydro Solutions Activator
Mossy Sauce

Do we need to use Activator A with Hydrokon film?

• If using latex-based inks Activator A is not necessary.

• If using pigment-based inks Activator A is necessary, otherwise the inks will fall apart on the water and will not adhere to object.


For small-scale projects, you can use Rust-Oleum Clear Lacquer Spray as the Activator A.

• Another alternative is using a clear basecoat/intercoat as the Activator A, commonly found from hydrographic paint companies.

Why shouldn’t I purchase the Chinese film being sold on the top online retailer?

• The price per square foot is not more competitive than those of our formats.  The Chinese films get more expensive for the wider rolls.

• Width is limited to 24.7”. Hydrokon is available in widths up to 50 inches.

• You cannot dial an 800 number and get instant tech support from China if needed.

• The Chinese rolls often come without cores which make them difficult to feed into printers.

• Order fulfillment can easily take 4-6 weeks for delivery from China.

• No fluorescent indicator for detection of film removal after dip.

Where can I find artwork for printing hydrographics?

• Anyone can create their own art using graphic design software, such as Adobe Illustrator, Corel Draw, etc.
• If custom designs are not required, PatternCrew and other sites alike have thousands of designs to choose from.

Do you offer discounts for bulk orders?

Absolutely! Please call 1-800-328-4261 or email us to discuss large volume order discounts with a representative.

Is Hydrokon Water-transfer Film available in Europe?

For sales in Europe, you can contact our distributor, HARKE Imaging: +49 (0) 208-3069-1700 or email

How do I get sheets to lay flat before printing?

If your sheets are showing curling, you can either use a steamer to add moisture so they lay flat or you can place them in a room with high humidity, like a bathroom with a hot shower running.

Where can I buy speed shapes?

You can buy speed shapes from many places, but we recommend checking out Liquid Concepts and Big Brain for purchasing speed shapes.

How should Hydrokon film be stored?

Film should be stored at 68°-75° F and 45-60% RH.